Children Learning Center's
5th Annual Night Stride Run/Walk
Camdenton, Missouri
June 15, 2012
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Don't let the photo on the left of an innocent-looking Ryan Page fool you. He's a little devil who finds pleasure in beating old guys in running races. (Not tonight, though, as a sprained right ankle resulting from Tae Kwon Do practice prevented him from running.)
Overall male winner, Casey O'Connor
This was Casey's second overall victory at local 5Ks this year (the other being Eldon's St. Patrick's Day Run).
Casey just finished his freshman year at the University of Central Missouri, and ran for the school's track team.
(Sorry for the poor focus. I thought snapping a photo while I was stationary would prevent that, but it obviously didn't. A faster shutter speed might have avoided the problem, but I thought the low light level might leave the photo underexposed.)
Connor Brady
Connor was the overall male winner last year at this race.
I'll try to identify this runner. (If you know, e-mail me.)
The runner on the right is local über distance runner Andy Goessmann. Andy finished the GO! St. Louis Marathon this past April, and will be running the Chicago Marathon in October. He's hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon at that race--a lofty and extremely tough goal. I'll try to identify the runner on the left.
Nigher Alfaro
Nigher won the male 40-49 age group again this year. No slab of ribs for winning this year, though.
Bill O'Connor
With Bill and Paula O'Connor being as fast and fit as they are, it's no wonder their kids are the same. The O'Connor family is to running and fitness what the Kardashians are to talentless celebrity.
That's Rodney "the Rocket" Wright (aka "the Silver Fox") on the right. Rodney won the male 50-59 age group again this year. I'll try to identify the runner on the left.
Paula O'Connor
Paula was trailing far behind her daughter, Tara, for most of the 5K, but snuck up on her right at the finish line.
It was one heckuva comeback, and caught Tara completely by surprise.
The fabulous Debi White, seconds after crossing the finish line. Debi's been doing lots of bootcamp-style strength trainingfa, and it shows. She's not only fit, but she's looking downright buff! Way to go, Debi! (Debi is taking on her first marathon--the Chicago Marathon--this coming October.)